First work day and first full day

5.2 we had Italian tutor with us, and she walked with us here in center, and showed us some places. She showed us like one church ( feels like in every corner is church ), we did get inside the church too, it was lovely and big! She asked us how we like Rimini, and I told her that I like it. When our first tutor showed us nice places, we got new tutor, and this new tutor shower us our workplace. Workmates, who were there when we came, were really nice to us. This restaurant isn`t far away from our home. We move in here with busses or then we will walk to the places.

Had first day at work, it was firstly really excited `cause didn`t knew what to do for that day. All, what I did get to do on work, was mostly cleaning tables, dishes and making some coffee, and of course, if there came some kind drink order, I put drinks for ready for the table that another serves brings them then to customer. In restaurant there are many who doesn`t speak much English, or then have bad English, but we understand everything what they try to say. My workmates are really nice and funny, I enjoy working with them. Many customers thinks that I speak Italian, so did couple my workmates, but now my workmates speaks English with me, and even one customer did talked with me long time about Finland, my time over here, that what he hasn`t been in Finland. It was funny that he knew my name because I heard that he said "Kia" so, he first asked me in Italy, where am I from, but my workmate translated it for me, and I told him that I don`t speak Italy so well yet and that I speak English. Many of customers try to talk with me in Italy, but then they stopped it when I tell them I dont speak Italian. One of my workmate, talks with me Italian, but she speaks little words, what are understanding, like "grazie", "ciao" or "buono".  But this restaurant, is really nice, and from their pictures, I thought it is huge place, but it`s not huge or it`s not small nether.


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