Two weeks in Rimini

It`s been now two weeks living in Rimini, it is kinda weird how quickly time has gone. Twese couple weeks has been mostly about working, because we have two different working times for one day. They are from 11 am to 4pm, and then from 6 pm to 10 pm. We have two day off on week, Sunday and Monday. I`m happy of my life here, even I haven`t yet started talking or meeting many Italian people. In restaurant, where am I working, workers are really nice and some of them are funny. I still can`t believe that we have been here two weeks now. It feels like time is running when I`m working. I have couple work mates, who talks to me Italian, and I start to understand what they mean. Mostly of workmates speaks English to me. My work place survisor told me yesterday that I`m excellent, cause I was 20 minutes longer working than I used to be. I maybe get someday little bit shorted day because of that. I like my work on my work place now. I have amazing workmates so everything is good. I haven`t been missing home, what can be weird but I have talked to mom like almost everyday, sometimes just goes maybe one or couple days without talking to her. This will be like the longest time what I haven`t been in home or seeing my family. But luckily I heard nice news from mom. 

 In this week, we`re been mostly working and we even had our first tutor meeting. In tutor meeting, they asked us how we are doing, and how`s  working and everything like that. When we have day off, we usually buy food from food store and make some food in our home or we go to eat in restaurant, I go running (sometimes in morning if I have work), and just chill and do something.
It`s funny that how different culture and life time here is than in Finland. Like here busses has standing places, accordian busses are absolutely my favourites.  It`s funny that I was once looking in the buss that people fight about should one person give place for one person. Just anymore 6 weeks here, I guess that I have forget much about where we have something in school, or I think how different Finnish culture is.

Places in here starts to be familiar, cause I go for running to new places, and center of Rimini is really easy to find everything, if remember where is some things like where is square what has two clocks.


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