
Showing posts from February, 2019

Third week done

Now, it`s been tree weeks here, and days are mostly working, but I have twice a week days off (Mondays and Sundays), so I mostly am at home, or then I`m walking in center. At work, I usually do same things, like take drink orders for the table, cleaning tables, cleaning floors, dishes. I kinda love that. All the time when I`m free of work, I wish I could go to talk to new people, and I have already met couple person here. Some of this week`s days has been more busying than others, but it`s nice. I have learned some Italian words too, and I already use them in work. Next of our restaurant, is another kind of bar, I know one worker, so it`s nice to talk him too. My workmates are really nice and funny too, even if I don`t remember so well their names, but I remember well many of them names. Even in this week, here in one place came carousel, so I have usually been looking at it, when I have been walked next to it for work or then to buss station. I love my life here, almost everyday I

Two weeks in Rimini

It`s been now two weeks living in Rimini, it is kinda weird how quickly time has gone. Twese couple weeks has been mostly about working, because we have two different working times for one day. They are from 11 am to 4pm, and then from 6 pm to 10 pm. We have two day off on week, Sunday and Monday. I`m happy of my life here, even I haven`t yet started talking or meeting many Italian people. In restaurant, where am I working, workers are really nice and some of them are funny. I still can`t believe that we have been here two weeks now. It feels like time is running when I`m working. I have couple work mates, who talks to me Italian, and I start to understand what they mean. Mostly of workmates speaks English to me. My work place survisor told me yesterday that I`m excellent, cause I was 20 minutes longer working than I used to be. I maybe get someday little bit shorted day because of that. I like my work on my work place now. I have amazing workmates so everything is good. I haven`t been

First work day and first full day

5.2 we had Italian tutor with us, and she walked with us here in center, and showed us some places. She showed us like one church ( feels like in every corner is church ), we did get inside the church too, it was lovely and big! She asked us how we like Rimini, and I told her that I like it. When our first tutor showed us nice places, we got new tutor, and this new tutor shower us our workplace. Workmates, who were there when we came, were really nice to us. This restaurant isn`t far away from our home. We move in here with busses or then we will walk to the places. 6.2  Had first day at work, it was firstly really excited `cause didn`t knew what to do for that day. All, what I did get to do on work, was mostly cleaning tables, dishes and making some coffee, and of course, if there came some kind drink order, I put drinks for ready for the table that another serves brings them then to customer. In restaurant there are many who doesn`t speak much English, or then have bad En

Starting off this intership

     4.2                                                                  Today is the day, leaving Finland behind me and first going to Munchen, then to Italy. It`s  funny how quickly time has gone, because it was like yesterday that I had to get intership in abroad and then got know that I`m in, then had hours and hours about talking this and I thought when I got knew that I`m in, it will be long time that I will be living abroad, but haha it starts tomorrow. I guess it`s going to be weird now to live two months without having any pets with us, cause whole my life I have been lived with pets. Now I`m little bit excited about living abroad and having intership same time. Luckily, I`m not going live there alone, because one of my classmates is coming with me there.  It`s funny that I never ever thought that I would be there living 8 weeks there, I thought that I`ll be there like 6 or 4 weeks. Right now, when I`m writing this, we are on the train, going to Helsinki. Our first flight